Cicero once said, “More is lost to indecision than wrong decision.” Apparently that was the theme of the last election. Data from the University of Florida Election Lab shows that 85.9 million eligible voters could not decide and chose to skip the 2024 election. It could be said that not voting is a decision, but that, in reality, is just a form of indecision. Turns out either way it is the wrong decision. If “Did Not Vote” had been a presidential candidate, they would have beaten Trump by 9.1 million votes and won 21 states, earning 265 electoral college votes. We all now will find out that elections have consequences. What happened nationally played out here in Colorado and in Weld County. Voter turnout was low. Low voter turnout generally favors Republicans, and one of the reasons they are often guilty of voter suppression, much more than can ever be said of Democrats.
Donald Trump’s claims of voter fraud in the last election, even though not true, cast doubt about the election system and contributed to the apathy of the process this year. It has become a cancer that has undermined our right and responsibility to participate in voting. This probably was the plan all along. In addition, Democrats made mistake after mistake. So much so, that America picked a felon, a liar, a sexual predator as our president over an extremely qualified woman candidate. This was true not just in the presidential race. Where do we go from here? How do we turn this around?
Our best hope is to engage and encourage our Democrats, and Dem-leaning Independent voters to not give in to apathy and the party of “Did Not Vote.” One of the best ways to engage voters in the process is to encourage participation in the decision-making, a place at the table, so to speak. This next week is the reorganization of our party, which happens every two years. The Central Committee of the party elects new officers, and bonus members that represent us on a state level, Our Central Committee, made up of precinct organizers and elected officials acts as vacancy committee for decisions that need to be made. Later on in March, the state party will conduct state and house district reorganization meetings, here too is a place to get involved to be an active voice in the party and to pick candidates to represent your districts. Information about this process and event is located on our website, Now is the time we really need to listen to our fellow Democrats and our Independent voices to try and understand and learn so that we can formulate a more effective message, so that we can come together as a united front against the assault on democracy.
All that being said, my tenure as your County Chair is coming to an end. It is time to elect new leadership. I still hope to hold a place in the party but after four years it is time to let new faces and those with new fresh ideas come and lead our party. I have learned so much and have seen so many Weld Democratic Party accomplishments during my time as chair. We have orchestrated and run caucuses, assemblies, and reorganization meetings, had many fund raising and friend raising events. We have found and supported candidates, organized protests, fought disinformation, trained and organized volunteers, supplied election workers and support. We walked or rode in parades and participated in community events, and supported ballot initiatives. We moved to and supported an office with volunteers, bought new equipment, held 44 executive meetings; worked and planned with chairs from our neighboring counties. We printed and mailed thousands of postcards and created slate cards. Engaged with candidates for canvassing and phone banks. We supported the state party. It has been my honor and privilege to be your chair. We could not have done any of these without the support of our officers, past and present of which I would like to thank. Pat Kiovsky, Pat Bruner, Julie Elmquist, Lisa Cunningham, Debbie Stuart, Teresa Hallenbeck, Becki Logsdon, Barb Niebauer, Patricia Garcia-Nelson, Deb Suniga, Rhonda Solis, Lyn Nelson. All the amazing committee chairs, CD, HD and SD officers, precinct organizers and volunteers: Thank you for all your dedication and hard work to our party and our Democratic values. I hope to see many of you on the 8th , and continue to see you as we work even more diligently to preserve our Democracy and our nation as well as protect our rights and support those whose voices are weak and whose choices grow slimmer. Thank you, Thank you, and blessings and best wishes to you all.
Bev Wallace, Chair