
Help Us Win!

Weld County Dems Headquarters

710 11th Ave., L10 Greeley, CO 80631

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  • Learn How You Can Make a Difference

    It might seem impossible to make real change on your own.
    It's not! Find out how you can be the change you want to see.

  • Donate to WCDP

    We have a lot of work ahead and it all takes money! Donating the easiest ways to contribute!

  • Volunteer

    Help do more!
    Volunteer with us and we will match your skills with how you can help.

  • Register or Check Voter Registration

    The first and most important step in being a responsible citizen is to vote. Vote in every election and keep your information current.

  • Learn How You Can Make a Difference

    It might seem impossible to make real change on your own.
    It's not! Find out how you can be the change you want to see.

  • Donate to WCDP

    We have a lot of work ahead and it all takes money! Donating the easiest ways to contribute!

  • Volunteer

    Help do more!
    Volunteer with us and we will match your skills with how you can help.

  • Register or Check Voter Registration

    The first and most important step in being a responsible citizen is to vote. Vote in every election and keep your information current.


Registration Information & State of Colorado Voter Information

Visit to check your voter registration or register to vote.

Important Dates

Looking for more election dates and information?

For full Colorado election information visit the Secretary of State’s website.

For full Weld County election information visit the Clerk and Recorder’s website.

Polling Places and Caucus Locations

Polling Centers, Voter Service, and Ballot Drop-off locations may or may not be ready depending on the time of year.

Please visit Weld County’s official website for a map and detailed information.

Find Your Polling Place

Find Your Current Representatives

Colorado Democratic Party Candidate List

Due to so many different voting blocks and how they intersect we do not list all candidates here.

However, if you are a candidate within Weld County and wish to be listed on this page, please use the Content Submission Form on the bottom of our site to submit your information.

Find the Colorado Democrats list here:​

Federal Candidate Information

The following candidates have provided their information to be included on our website. Candidates are not listed in any particular order. The Weld County Democratic Party does not make endorsements of candidates in contested primary elections.

State Candidate Information

The following candidates have provided their information to be included on our website. Candidates are not listed in any particular order. The Weld County Democratic Party does not make endorsements of candidates in contested primary elections.

Weld County Candidate Information

The following candidates have provided their information to be included on our website. Candidates are not listed in any particular order. The Weld County Democratic Party does not make endorsements of candidates in contested primary elections.

Ballot Propositions

Ballot Propositions for upcoming elections will be listed here. 

WCDP ENDORSES this Ballot Measure

WCDP DOES NOT endorses this Ballot Measure

WCDP has NO POSITION on this Ballot Measure

Submit Weld County Ballot Information

Use the form below to submit  ballot information you would like listed here. 

If you are a candidate, or volunteering for one in an upcoming election, and would like to be included on this page, please submit your information.

Fill out the Article Submission Form and ask to be added to the Candidates section of the Elections page. Submit the following information.

  • Name: Exactly as it will appear on the ballot.
  • Recent Image of Candidate: At least 1000 x 1000 pixels taken within the last year.
  • Seat: Exactly what they are running for.
  • Website URL: Full URL
  • Social Links: Full URLs please.
  • Video: YouTube/Vimeo video link.
  • About Them Paragraph: 50 – 250 words.
  • Learn More Button: Will use website URL from above.

If at any time you would like to update the candidate information use the Submit Events or Articles form and detail out what changes you would like to make to your candidate entry.

The Weld County Democratic Party does not make endorsements of candidates in contested primary elections.

About Content Submission

Do you have an event or story for Weld County Democrats and site visitors? We might publish it!

We are looking to promote upcoming events and issues that support the Weld County Democratic platform.

Submit your details here by completing this form. All submissions will go through a review process before publishing. Anything other than content submissions will be ignored.

All Newsletter content must be submitted on the 25th day of the previous month. Newsletters are generally emailed near or on the first of the month.

By submitting text, photos, and video to, you agree that the content does not infringe or violate someone else’s rights or otherwise violates the law. You also grant us a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, unrestricted, worldwide license to publicly display your User Content on We reserve the right to publish or not publish any submissions.

  • We respect your privacy! We do not sell or share your information unless explicitly requested to do so on your submission.

  • For Content Submissions please fill out everything below (Content Submissions would include events, articles, and other things for the website and newsletter.)

  • 0 of 60 max characters
  • 0 of 150 max characters
    150 Characters or Less
  • Include all important information such as dates, addresses, and times.
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, docx, txt, Max. file size: 25 MB, Max. files: 3.
      You may upload up to 3 images or PDFs that are relevant to your submission. Allowed file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf no larger then 5 mb.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
    Please share this with your networks. Every share helps!

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    When we are organized, we win.
    Find out how you can be a Precinct Organizer.