Ethics, Etiquette, and Code of Conduct
We are Democrats because we believe in basic common decency, dignity and respect toward all people. We need to model that belief in our own meetings.
Golden Rule: Treat others the way you would want to be treated.
Value Volunteers: Almost every Democrat at a party meeting is a volunteer. Be good to each other.
Ask Questions: Most agendas include a place for feedback and questions. If you need more information, chances are other people do too.
Welcoming, Inclusive & Safe Space: Everyone has a responsibility to make a meeting feel like a safe and welcoming space for everyone to attend.
One Speaker at a time: Only one person is recognized to speak at a time. No one can hear two people at once.
Setting the Agenda: If you have an item you want to discuss on the agenda, notify the chair ahead of time.
New Business: If you want to discuss something that is not on the agenda, raise it during the New Business part of the meeting.
Bullying & Personal Attacks: All ideas can be robustly raised and debated without making personal or ad hominem attacks on other people. Name-calling is for the GOP — not us.
Lift Each Other Up: We are on a mission and take a moment to thank and recognize the good work of the people around us.
Resolving Conflicts: Because we are human beings, conflicts between people will sometimes arise. Try, if possible, to resolve personal differences outside of a meeting space.
Be Part of the Solution: Come with ideas and suggestions. Don’t just criticize others without having recommendations for how to do something better.
We are on a Shared Mission: We are all here because we have shared beliefs about doing right by people and the planet. The goals we are pursuing are bigger than any one of us. Let’s get it done!
Code of Conduct
The Weld County Democratic Party (WCDP) includes a diversity of volunteers from throughout Weld County to promote a truly representative Democratic Party. The WCDP pledges to make every effort to create a welcoming and safe environment that encourages maximum participation in the political process. The WDCP is committed to maintaining an inclusive environment by encouraging open communications and fostering good working relationships among its members. Members means all elected county members of the WCDP, members of any WCDP standing or ad-hoc committee, elected party officers of WCDP, Democratic candidates and volunteers engaged in the integral workings of the party and party activities. WCDP convenes in many physical and virtual spaces. This code of conduct outlines the expectations for behavior in any physical or virtual location where members have gathered or are otherwise communicating to conduct WCDP business. Each member is responsible for making participation in our Democratic organization a safe, positive and productive experience for everyone.
WCDP leadership is committed to monitoring and ensuring compliance with this code. When appropriate, the WCDP will exercise its rights to hold members accountable for serious or repeated violation of this code. For example, a member who violates the code at a party event and/ or meeting may be asked to leave the event. A member with multiple code violations or whose violation is especially severe in nature may be restricted participation within the WCDP organization. In all cases, WCDP polices and applicable law will be followed.
The following list is not comprehensive, but is intended to clarify expectations so that members can collaborate effectively. Specifically, members have a:
Responsibility for Open Communications and Positive Collaboration
- Listening is a vital skill and worthwhile practice;
- The work of the WCDP is collaborative; one person’s work will affect that of others;
- Careful deliberations include considering the effects of decisions on other members;
- Disagreements serve to clarify different perspectives on an issue. Working to solve them effectively will strengthen the organization and provide for open dialogue;
- Strive for open, inclusive, positive language that promotes participation; people may not understand jokes, sarcasm and oblique references in the same way that you do.
- If a member perceives that a conversation is making another member uncomfortable, they should try to make amends and move
- Whether written or spoken, our words should be intended for communication, not provocation.
- Refrain from behavior that disrupts or derails communication and productivity.
Responsibility for Creating a Culture of Respect, Inclusion and Equity
- Choose welcoming, respectful and friendly language;
- Assume good intent on the part of other speakers and participants and invite clarification of their positions, as necessary;
- Respect the dignity and recognize the merit of every individual;
- Make a personal commitment to be tolerant and nonjudgmental;
- Honor the group by engaging in processes that will move forward the discussion and decisions in question;
- Communicate honestly and openly; and do not use profane, racist, other prejudicial, exclusionary, abusive or sexualized language;
- Do not publish photos, videos, or audio of others if they object or ask to be excluded.
Responsibility to Ensure One’s own Safety and Create a Safe Environment for Others
- Respect others’ personal space;
- Clearly indicate your discomfort to unwanted physical contact and/or improper language;
- Recognize the signs that might make a person unable to provide reasonable consent or objection to physical contact;
- Understand that physical contact (sexual or otherwise) is not appropriate without clearly articulated consent. Consent can be instantly revoked. Prior consent, intoxicated comments and/or actions are not consent;
- Protect those who may be unable to provide for their own safety;
- Respect others’ property and property of the WCDP, including confidential information;
- Understand that the WCDP has zero tolerance for any behavior that could be perceived as abusive, violent or as harassment;
- As political leaders in their communities, members are expected to make themselves aware of and reasonably anticipate the sensitivities of others;
- Consume alcohol responsibly at any Democratic Party event and only at events where alcohol is served. Responsibility includes, but is not limited to, not providing alcohol to any person underage and/or consuming alcohol while underage.
- Administrators and contributors to online spaces, such as webpages and social media:
- should be open and transparent about whom they represent and that their views being expressed are personal;
- should be polite and respectful of individuals’ opinions, especially when discussions become heated;
- should not post malicious, misleading or inaccurate content about the Democratic Party, its leadership, its members, or any candidate or elected official;
- should not post any content that is obscene, defamatory, threatening or discriminatory.
Responsibility to Encourage Compliance with this Code
- Take a leadership stance and speak up when witnessing any of these: inappropriate, sexist or racist language; any form of harassment; discrimination; or behavior that victimizes another such as bullying, unwelcome physical interaction, and stalking.
- Report violations of this code to the WCDP by filing a written report with the WCDP Chair. If a member does not feel comfortable reporting their concern to the WCDP Chair, the member may instead report it to the Ethics Committee Chair. Such reporting to the WCDP should in no way precludes or delay reporting to law enforcement when a situation warrants such action.
If you would like to submit a complaint to us please use the following form: Weld County Democrats Ethics Complaint Form